
Date Started:
Date Completed:
About Project
Perris Valley Line is a 24-mile extension of Metrolink’s 91 Line service, utilizing tracks owned by Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) paralleling Interstate 215 known as the San Jacinto Branch Line. The Perris Valley Line (PVL) Project will have four new stations. It will operate through three cities (Riverside, Moreno Valley and Perris), bringing commuter rail service to major employment centers.
Project Scope, Successes
PRE staff participated in STV’s design process which included a documented and independently audited quality program, intra disciplinary reviews, and inter disciplinary reviews. PRE Professional Engineers certified the signal and communications design documents. PRE collaborated with SCRRA to transfer PTC communications scope to another project so a site could be built in advance to support SCRRA’s Positive Train Control system.
PRE’s work included:
• Sealed design plans, specifications and estimates for Railroad Signal and Communications.
• Design of six new control point signals and nine intermediate signals.
• Design of new railroad grade crossing warning systems at 18 at-grade crossings.
• Design Support During Construction (DSDC) and Systems Testing Certification.
The communications backhaul design included fiber optic cable network along the Right of Way between Riverside Hunter Park Station and South Perris Station, with microwave termination at each end that will integrate into SCRRA’s current system (both Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MPR and Aviat Eclipse.) PRE collaborated with SCRRA to transfer the Riverside Hunter Park microwave tower scope to another project so the site could be built in advance to support SCRRA’s Positive Train Control system. The South Perris microwave link to SCRRA’s Santiago Peak site remained in the project.
Project Highlights
• Designed all new CTC Train Control Systems which include 6 Control Points and 11 Intermediate Signal locations
• Designed all new Railroad Crossing Warning Systems at 18 At-Grade Crossings
• Designed all new Train Control and Station Communications Systems at 6 Control Points and 4 Station locations
• Coordinated with Civil Designers to achieve well integrated designs with other required project installations
• Developed project specific specifications for required Train Control, Crossing Warning and Communications Systems
• Developed cost estimates for all required signal and communications systems