
Date Started:
Date Completed:
About Project
This project included development of a countywide program to engineer solutions and establish a pattern for enforcement regarding grade crossings and railroad right-of-way that will enhance public safety and mobility. This program included extensive outreach to communities in order to advance education of grade crossing safety and an analysis of methods to prevent unauthorized access.
The multi-phased project included evaluating the existing conditions at each of the 150 at grade crossings, establishing a priority list of crossings that will be evaluated in greater detail for potential safety improvements and identifying the top four potential locations for grade separation.
Project Scope, Successes
Pacific Railway Enterprises, Inc provided consultation on emerging technologies and rail crossing interconnection with traffic controller devices. PRE provided its expertise to refine railroad crossing systems estimates, in order to more accurately estimate what was required for future funding.
Project Highlights
• Prioritization of 153 at grade crossings within Los Angeles County.
• Identification of 4 grade separation projects.
• Field investigation and monitoring of rail pre-emption operations.