
Date Started:
Date Completed:
About Project
In preparation for the upcoming construction of the San Diego Convention Center Coaster station/platform, NCTD plans on converting the southernly portion of the San Diego Santa Fe Depot hand-through turnouts into a CTC control point. The project will also replace all trackwork including three turnouts and realigning and replacing the Broadway crossing track, replace existing AC crossings with concrete panels, new crossing signal/control point signal house, and wayside and dwarf signals on the station platforms.
Project Scope, Successes
PRE performed all design aspects of the project including field surveys, site diagnostic meeting, design of all surface improvements including track replacement, and design of the new warning systems and signal system with a new signal house. Of particular notice was the design challenge of selecting the best option for placement of the control point eastbound signals on the platforms. Dealing clearances issues with Amtrak’s daily fueling truck and their staff’s need to park and drive on platforms, while complying with CPUC clearances and passenger mobility, it was decided through several signal type options to use a combination of one standard wayside signal and three dwarf signals. One of each is to be placed on the passenger platforms.
PRE in-house civil lead performed the track design required for the replacement switches.
Project Highlights
• Track replacement and re-alignment for higher speeds.
• Upgrade hand-throw turnouts to CTC controlled.
• New signals and signal house
• NCTD/BNSF Jct control point
• Rehab both crossing tracks
• Replace in-station AC crossings with concrete panels
• Design option for in-station placement of signals on passenger platforms.